Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sorry it took so long...

Well, it's official. Not having internet on my laptop totally sucks! Abbie, here's a whole bunch more of your prompts! I must admit, I took the easy way out on the loincloth one :). Out of curiosity, where did that one come from????

Well, here goes!


“When I asked Mr. Bush where he was heading, he replied ‘Area 51’”

When I asked Mr. Bush where he was heading, he replied “Area 51,” with a joking smile.

I laughed at his reference to the Book Room, which teachers referred to affectionately as Area 51. The reasoning behind this was somewhat convoluted…but I believe it had something to do with the fact that no one really knew what was actually in the Book Room, and hardly anyone actually knew it existed—only the English teachers really used it. The books were rotating…sometimes you’d find only Ray Bradbury-esque books, because the other teachers had the rest out, and sometimes, it’d be packed to the ceiling with everything under the sun…from “Heart of Darkness” and “Billy Budd,” to “Einstein’s Dreams” and “Things Fall Apart.”

The Book Room was my favorite place to be in the whole school. Mr. Bush had given me a key to it, so I could hide out during my study halls. I would sit in the corner, poring over Shakespeare, Plato, and Ayn Rand. I loved it. Honestly, it was probably the only place in the whole school that I actually missed when I finally graduated. Ah well, maybe someday I’d have a Book Room all to my own. Someday, I definitely would.

End Time: 7:41
Total Time: 5 minutes
Word Count: 204


“The poor Hispanic worker scooped up a bucket loader full of rotting animals and dumped it into the grinder.”

“The poor Hispanic worker scooped up a bucket loader full of rotting animals and dumped it into the grinder. The cogs churned, and ground up the carcasses, processing it into a gruesome paste, where it was then dumped in a giant vat.”

“Ewww! Sarah, stop!” Jennie squealed in disgust, and her sister looked up from the website she was reading and laughed.

“What, too disgusting for you?”

Jennie nodded. “Yeah, not to mention it’s actually true.”

Sarah grinned. “Alright, fine, I’ll read something else. How about UFOs abducting cows to do rectal exams?”

She laughed and darted out of the room as her sister tossed a pillow at her in mock anger. Sometimes, a little sister just had to be annoying.

Total Time: 3 minutes
Word Count: 121


“She replied, ‘I wish loin cloths were made out of canvas’”

“If you could wish for anything in the world, what would it be?” Jason asked, a curious look on his face.

She thought about it for a minute before she replied, “I wish loin cloths were made out of canvas.”

He looked at her for a minute, not quite believing that she’d actually said that. “Why?” he finally managed to get out.

She grinned. “No reason, I just wanted to see your face.”

They both laughed at that, then the topic veered off on another tangent, as they sipped their coffee, simply enjoying each others’ company.

Total Time: 2 minutes
Word Count: 96


“On this day, God wants you to know that...”

“On this day, God wants you to know that you are absolutely nothing special, unless you factor in that you belong to the majority of people who believe in something totally fictional and absolutely ridiculous. If you laughed the minute you read ‘God wants you to know,’ then you belong to the minority, the ones who have tossed off the chains of religious imprisonment, and are now free-thinking, happy people.”

She put down the pencil and reread the paragraph. That was good. Definitely a good start to her blog for the day. She took a sip of water, then kept writing, eager to get the post up so she could move on to the next thing. After all, a writer never stopped at one project, she was always coming up with new ones.

Total Time: 3 minutes
Word Count: 133


“That night, at dinner, tons of gay babies were born.”

Did you know that for every awkward silence, a gay baby is born? I didn’t, until my first date with Patrick. I was nervous, and I think he could tell, for he consistently took steps to lighten the mood. After probably the fifteenth awkward silence, he laughed, and calmly informed me that every time there was an awkward silence, a gay baby was born.

We both laughed, and the mood was successfully and officially lightened. The first thing I wrote in my journal when I got home, was "That night at dinner, tons of gay babies were born."

It was a good thing too, because about a year and probably thousands of gay babies later, he was kneeling on the ground in front of me, holding out a little black box with a diamond ring in it. Thank God for gay babies.

Total Time: 4 minutes
Word Count: 142

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! But I prefer if you post your stories separately so I can comment on each individually. Loved the one about the annoying sister, and the gay babies. Oh yeah, and the one about God, and the loin cloths.... haha, you get the idea. Keep writing! xo
