Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mostly Fiction...

Alright, so this one, while technically fiction, has aspects of truth in it. While in Portland on a Girl's Night, Abbie and Amy did find a cell phone, and they did dial the number labeled 'Jackass' (yeah, that's just too good to be made up), and the girl did answer, and give a similar response. But the situation is different, and there's no way that Amy would ever park several blocks away from wherever she worked if it was snowing!


Prompt: “While walking along the snow covered sidewalk, Amy spotted a cell phone.” (Abbie Morrison)

It was late in the evening when Amy left work. She shivered as the snowflakes peppered her hair and jacket with tiny dots of white. Her car was parked a block or so away, and while walking along the snow-covered sidewalk, she spotted a cell phone.

It was lying there amid the falling snow like so many discarded pieces of rubbish chucked away by an unconcerned citizen. She picked it up, looked at it. It was a nice phone, still working, so she pocketed it and made her way back to the car. Once in the warmth, she opened it and scrolled through the contacts list.

Jason, Randy, Michelle…the names scrolled by. She called the number labeled ‘Dad’, but got no answer. Mom’s number yielded the same results. She tried number after number, but to no avail. Finally, she decided to go through the incoming calls, to see who the phone talked to the most. The first number that came up was labeled ‘Jackass.’

“What the hell,” she thought, and dialed the number. A woman’s voice answered, sounding confused.


“Um, hi,” Amy replied. “I found this phone, and you were in it…do you know whose it is?”

The girl on the other line laughed. “Yeah, she’s sitting right next to me!”

Total Time: 5 minutes
Word Count: 212

1 comment:

  1. There was also a contact named Bustah. Hah!
