Sunday, February 28, 2010


Alright, in the interests of time, here are some prompts that I wrote when I first discovered the wonderful world of writing prompts. While they're not exactly from this year, I figure it balances out since I started a month late :). I'll catch up in other ways, probably slipping bonus stories in here and there, but I hope you enjoy these!

*I'm putting them up one at a time, for ease of reading :)


“I want to go home…” (NaNo)

It's dark and wet, and I don't understand why I'm here. Why was I ripped from my cool, breezy heaven and thrust into this hot, wet world? I can't breathe, oxygen must be coming to me through the thick sac that encases my fragile body. Where am I? What's happened to me? I've been trapped here for months, never understanding why, why this was done to me. There's no one around. I have been without contact for months. I can hear some sounds, but they're distant, coming from outside the fleshy walls that surround me. I miss my world, my heaven, with it's open expanses and dry air. I hate wet. I hate dark. The sun never sets in my world, never.

Time passes, I feel myself growing bigger, stretching the walls surrounding me. I'm trapped, too big for my prison. I try to move around, kicking and hitting, trying to escape. Nothing works. Finally, I feel something, some sort of loosening. I'm turned upside down, a most uncomfortable position, but I can feel air on my head.

Oh God, now it hurts! I'm being forced through a horrible tight tunnel, being squished between those walls that have held me in for so long. The next thing I feel is cold. Cold air, and ghastly bright lights. It hurts, oh, it hurts so bad. I don't want to be here, why did I choose to come back? I want my heaven back. I want to go home.

Word Count: 247

1 comment:

  1. Really cool idea! Needs some polishing, but I like it, especially the last sentence. And it's less fluffy than some of your latest work:)
