Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kinda Creepy...

Here's an interesting one...I blame it on the fact that I watched Bones all morning. Getting inside strange or creepy character's heads is an interesting I can't say I like or dislike. I guess it depends on the character...this one was creepy, especially since I got all the background stuff...the stuff that shows up in between the lines. Anyway, the next one will have much nicer characters :), no serial killers among them, lol.


“The window was positioned so perfectly, a person looking out could know the business of every person on the street…”

He sat back in the overstuffed armchair and smiled. It was an odd smile, rather unsettling, but there was no one there to see it, so he wasn’t worried. He surveyed the small apartment, much like a lord surveying his manor. Not a single thing was out of place. He’d finally found the perfect abode, with the perfect location, and the perfect view.

In fact, it was the window overlooking the street that he found most pleasing. It was positioned so perfectly, a person looking out could know the business of every person on the street. And how he loved knowing people’s business. You might say it was his life’s blood.

He sighed and took a long, slow drink from the glass bottle of beer he held. It was warm, but he liked it that way. He liked many strange things, things no one knew about. Things no one could know about. And he liked it that way. He stood, moving over to the window, staring out at the people hurrying quickly to and fro. Who would he choose? He didn’t know yet. It would take time, maybe months, before he made his decision, and he enjoyed taking his time. It was all part of the process, the long, delicious process. His process. And he loved his process.

Total Time: 4 minutes
Word Count: 218

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