Monday, February 8, 2010

I've been inspired...

Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. This inspiration came from my older brother, and is not, as you may think, connected in any way, shape, or form to this particular blog! It is, in fact, connected to the book I'm just starting to write, entitled "Breaking Up With God: A Girl's Guide to Leaving Religion." You see, I tend to start many projects, but I rarely finish them. This one however, I will finish. Partly because it will justify having taken a year off school, but partly because of the aforementioned inspiration.

Joshua was talking to my mom online, something she does more and more frequently, and he mentioned my idea, saying that once I finished it, I'd be famous--people would see me on the Tonight Show, with the heading "Controversial New Author Talks About Book." Now, I'm not a particularly arrogant person, but come on, that concept does have some merits. And so that is the focus that will allow me to finish this book (I hope!). If not, I get to post a lovely retraction in a month, when a new project has caught my eye.

Anywho, the real reason I'm posting: today's prompt!


“He walked ever so quickly to the toilet paper aisle.”

He walked ever so quickly to the toilet paper aisle, ducking behind the tall shelves. Damn her. Every where he went, he saw her, even if it was just the reflection in the glass as she left a store. He couldn’t get her out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. No matter how many times he told himself that it was over, she haunted him. Her face, her voice, the ethereal scent of roses and lavender that trailed behind her every step. The sound of her laughter as she saw something particularly amusing. She would never leave him.

He breathed heavily, peeking out of the aisle to see if she’d gone. She had, moving along to haunt some other unsuspecting man. He cursed under his breath, and finished his shopping quickly. He was never safe, not even in his own house. He could lock himself in his bathroom, and still, her taunting laughter haunted him. No wall, no door, no curtained window could keep her out.

Nothing could keep out a ghost.

Total Time: 3 minutes
Word Count: 175

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