Monday, February 22, 2010

Belated Catch-Up

Sorry it took so long to get this caught was school vacation week, so I wasn't haunting the teacher's room, stealing their internet. But school is back in session, so I've regained my honorary cubicle position across from my mother's. It's funny, when I graduated, I thought I'd never come back, I was so very done with high school, but now...boredom has set in, so I'm back in the teacher's room, and hanging around the AP English class. I can't wait until this fall, when I can start school in full, and engage my brain in continuous intellectual activity.


Prompt: “She was worried by the excited look in his eye…” (NaN0)

Start Time: 5:20

She got into the car slowly, trepidation evident in her moves. Jason was a little more cryptic than usual when he’d called, just saying that he’d pick her up in half hour, so be ready. Now, with most people, one might think of lovely surprises, or romantic dinners, but with Jason—let’s just say that the last time he’d done something like this, it was to take her eel-fishing…and somehow, the thought of having to swallow live eels hadn’t occurred to him.

As she buckled in, she glanced over at him, worried by the excited look in his eye. Still, she tried to act calm, as she asked, “So, where are we going?”

He just grinned. “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.”

She rolled her eyes, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like “That’s the point.” He just laughed, and pulled out of the driveway, turning onto the main road. The music played quietly, and they chatted amicably.

After a while, the car stopped outside a small diner. Jessie furrowed her brow, slightly confused. Jason helped her out of the car and led her into the diner. She moved to sit in one of the booths, but he tugged her further into the room, to the booth on the far side of the small space. Realization slowly dawned on her as she took in the pseudo-familiar red coverings on the benches and the quotes painted along the wall.

“Isn’t this—”

Jason grinned and nodded, effectively cutting off the rest of her question. After he’d seated her, instead of sliding into the opposite space, he dropped to one knee, his hand deftly reaching into his pocket. As he slipped the ring on her finger, glee bubbled up in her chest. He’d finally succeeded and given her the perfect surprise.

Total Time: 7 minutes
Word Count: 301

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