Thursday, January 28, 2010


Alrighty, here's yesterday's! I'll try to get them out on time every day, but as I don't have internet at home, it's a little interesting :)


Prompt: "Believing is a lie..." (NaNo)

He looked at me, his eyes clear and serious. “Martie,” he said quietly. “Believing is a lie.”

I sat back in my seat, thunderstruck. Believing is a lie. And I knew, deep in my mind, that he was right. It was a lie. All the little idiosyncrasies I’d noticed as a child, all the little questions my Sunday School teacher had been unable to answer—it was all a lie. How could a religion that preached peace and love worship a god who had caused so much wanton destruction? I knew it to be true—the bible verses were there, the stories of God sending his soldiers to massacre entire peoples, the stories of Jesus sending people to burn in eternal hell, simply because they didn’t believe he was the messiah. I shook my head a little, trying to clear my thoughts.

How was this possible? How could everything I’d believed in be a lie? But it was. The evidence was there, right before my eyes. Religion was man-made, created by people. I’d been duped, as had my parents before me. What else explained the fact that religion set so many ‘human’ rules, so many guidelines that only benefited the higher-ups on the food chain? I mean, think about it. The Mormons had Joseph Smith, a man whose continuous ‘revelations’ enabled him to fleece hundreds of people for money, and allowed him to sleep with pretty much anyone he wanted.

I looked up at my friend, and saw the abject truth in his eyes. With a deep breath, I smiled shakily at him. “You’re right,” I said softly. “Believing is a lie.”

Total Time: 5 minutes
Word Count: 272

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