Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In the Beginning...

In the beginning, there was an idea. This idea was based off of Abbie Morrison's (of Abbie Morrison Photography) photo-a-day project, and has morphed into a delightful little story-a-day project. I have enlisted the help of my friends and family in coming up with writing prompts, most of them just a sentence, but some a little meatier and more developed. Since I'm starting this well into the month of January, I unfortunately will have a little catch-up to play. I have six prompts completed, and will hopefully have more finished pun intended :). Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it going, but knowing my infamously short attention span, we'll have to see. I'm pretty sure I can manage 5-10 minutes a day, though.

Due to laptops and their finicky relationship with the internet, I may not be able to update it every day, but I will have a post for each day of the year. Now comes the fun part! For each month, I'm going to include a theme in that month's stories. Now, it may simply be a word, and it may be an integral theme of the story, but somehow, in each story, there will be a mention of something (e.g. each story in the month of February will be related to Valentine's Day). Your job is to guess what that theme is, and let me know at my e-mail If you have any writing prompt ideas for me, please send them, I'll need all the help I can get! goes! I'll date each prompt, and let you know who came up with it (we must give credit where credit is due!), and I'll also post the time it took to write it, and the total word count.


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