Monday, March 1, 2010

Almost There!

Home stretch, and we'll be all caught up!


“Just a little more, I think.”

"Hmm....just a little more, I think," Gerald thought to himself. Dipping his brush in the paint, he added one more swirl of cerulean to his canvas. He nodded in satisfaction. "Perfect." He stepped back, gazing fondly at the canvas. It was fairly large, almost three feet in length, and 21 inches in height. He loved working with large images. This particular painting he referred to as his 'blue period'--nothing to do with Picasso, and everything to do with the fact that he ran out of everything except blue...ah well, they say necessity is the mother of invention.

Gerald was quite proud of this painting. It almost resembled an under the sea scene, with various swirls of blue complementing each other in pockets of flowing light and shadow. darker blue specks, almost black, dotted various bits of the water-scape, resembling tiny schools of fish on their way to school. Slightly lighter streaks waved up from the floor, long fingers tangling together--fronds of seaweed, he decided. Gerald smiled. This was perfect, absolutely perfect. Apparently he had a knack for working with individual colors, maybe next time he'd go with orange. Ah, the wonderful things you could do with orange. He looked around the white walls of his isolation room, imagining covering them in bright colors. The doctors would be unhappy--and if they were unhappy, he wouldn't get anymore paints and canvas. He would stick with the canvas. Maybe when he got out, they would let him sell them to museums...after all, they were definitely good enough.

Word Count: 257

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