Monday, March 1, 2010

Here's a Shorty...

Since the first one is so short, I'll put two up with this post...


“For once, there was no chaos.”

The sharp crack echoed through the still air, leaving no doubt in his mind. The world began to tilt and blur, as if sliding off a steep precipice. The gun dropped from his slack fingers, and he felt himself crumple slowly to the ground. There were no thoughts, no regrets running through his mind. As he last shades of black covered his vision, he felt peace for the first time in his entire existence. For once, there was no chaos.

Word Count: 80


“The heavy drops pelted down, covering the windshield in a liquid haze.”

It was raining. The heavy drops pelted down, covering the windshield in a liquid haze. The wipers moved quickly, but they needed replacing. Swish swish squeak. Swish swish squeak. Jessica grimaced and turned the music up louder, needing to drown out the annoying squeak. She really needed to get Eric to fix that. Thin strains of music wafted from the blown out speakers. She frowned again. She definitely needed to get Eric to fix that.

Eric was good at fixing things, and he never complained while doing it. Jessica could ask him anything, and eventually he'd do it. That was the key, eventually. As much as Jess didn't like to admit it, Eric had a life of his own. He had a wife and daughter, which unfortunately took up most of his time. Jessica was only a customer, but she had a special place in her heart for him. Anytime she needed something fixed, all she had to do was bring it into the shop, and Eric would take care of it. Jessica knew he loved her. She knew that he didn't really care for his family, in fact, she was doing him a favor by going over there tonight. Eric was out of town on business, and his family was alone.

Jessica's car pulled into the driveway, and she got out, wrapping herself tightly in her wool coat. She rang the doorbell and Eric's wife answered. She knew Jessica, had met her before at the shop. They seemed to get along fine, but Jessica knew she hated her. No one really liked Jessica except Eric. He always listened, and never told her she was irritating, or worthless. Jessica smiled at his wife and lifted the gun.

The neighbors called 911 after they heard the shots, but Jessica didn't notice the sirens wailing down the street. The raindrops painted a silent smile on her lips as she thought of Eric. Yes, he would thank her for ridding his life of those burdens, and now he could start a new one, with her. After all, he did love her.

Word Count: 348

1 comment:

  1. Creepy!

    Have you seen A Single Man? It's an absolutely excellent movie, and something about the first one reminded me of it.
